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    E-commerce Fulfillment

    At Copaco e-business we support our business partners in simplifying the flow of information between Copaco and the partner. We do this in a number of ways:

    • We provide electronic access to the range with price lists and article databases
    • We generate an electronic order link
    • We offer support in creating a webshop

    In doing so, Copaco offers its partners an infrastructure for the efficient and profitable handling of purchasing and selling transactions. Copaco gives advice and guidance to partners in their choice and implementation of the chosen e-business solution.

    Price lists and article files

    Do you require help in creating and maintaining your article files? Copaco can provide you with data files. Using these files it is easy to import article information into your own ERP and web applications.

    Common questions related to price lists

    Digital connection

    All data exchange between you, as our business partner, and Copaco can be conducted electronically. This puts an end to the need to enter purchase orders both in your system and in our webshop. Your purchase orders will be scanned directly from your own system into our SAP ERP system.
