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    Watching sport, doing sport, experiencing sport and talking about sport. What’s not to like? We love it in any case. That’s exactly why we have been running the Copa Dell Sport programme over the last few years. You can save up for wonderful sporting experiences and prizes based on your turnover.

    How it works

    Each quarter you will receive your turnover target based on your historic Dell EMC turnover at Copaco. Have you already reached your quarter target? Than you can make a change in joining us to the EuroHockey Championship in Amsterdam. Together we will cheer for our Belgian Red lions in their match against the Dutch team. This will take place from Monday 20th of August until Tuesday 21th of August. The chosen ones are the partners with the highest overscore on their target.

    We will send you an update every two weeks, allowing you to see what percentage of your target has already been achieved.

    you can also contact your Copaco Dell EMC Internal Sales contact for an update or more information.

    Sign up now Visit website