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Get a free APC laptop bag with your next deal

It is back-to-school season! That's why APC and Copaco are giving away a free APC laptop bag to each Copaco partner who wins a deal of  within APC's Public Pricing Program.

How can you win?

Follow these three steps:

  1. Register for APC's Public Sector program and reach "select status" or higher (more info below)
  2. Close a deal within the Public Pricing Program of at least 2500 EUR between September 1st and December 1st 2022
  3. Receive an APC Laptop bag
It's that simple!

About APC's Public Sector Program

The mySchneider IT Solutions Partner Program provides competitive pricing for our Partners selling to public sector end users. This program provides access to an extensive variety of sales, marketing, training, and support resources, making it easier for
partners, specialising in the public sector.


  • Support partners selling into the competitive and fragmented public sector marketplace
  • Help partners maintain healthy margins
  • Stock availability locally
  • Aid differentiate partners that invest and specialize in public sector, with improved engagement & discounts