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    Automated delivery cloud services with three new APIs on Copaco’s 2tCloud platform

    Copaco launches three new APIs on the 2tCloud platform. Partner systems can easily be linked to 2tCloud to exchange relevant data through the Billing, Customer, and Cloud Store APIs. This allows Copaco partners to take their service delivery processes to a higher level.

    IT distributor and cloud service provider Copaco enables partners to further automate the delivery of cloud services to end customers. “The three new APIs ensure a seamless connection between our partners’ systems and the 2tCloud platform,” says Rick van den Hoogenhof, Cloud Solutions Team Lead at Copaco.

    An ‘Application Programming Interface’ (API) is a software interface through which (external) applications and systems can communicate with each other. It concerns the following APIs:

    • Billing API: this link is used to retrieve purchase and sales data from the 2tCloud platform and make a direct connection to the partner’s ERP system;
    • Customer API: this link automates the import and/or export of customer information;
    • Cloud Store API: with this link, partners can (de)activate, upgrade and downgrade cloud solutions from their own system, such as the e-shop, ITSM, or RMM tool.

    All cloud services through a single portal

    “2tCloud partners can find the new APIs in the Support Center. It also contains all the necessary information and manuals to activate the APIs,” says Van den Hoogenhof. Copaco fully supports partners in the digital transformation and design of hybrid cloud or multicloud environments. 

    Become a 2tCloud-partnerMore about 2tCloud


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